Fermented Beets

2.5kg Beets
3tbsp Kosher Salt 1tbsp Caraway Seeds

Have a very clean, 1 gallon crock or jar at hand.

Use a hand grater or the grater attachment of a food processor to shred the beets coarsely or finely, as you prefer.

Transfer the grated beets to a large bowl as you go along, sprinkling with salt to taste; the process will work with more or less salt. Add the caraway seeds and combine.

Transfer the beets to the crock or jar, adding just a bit at a time and tamping it down, using our fists or a sturdy kitchen implement; this will help to force dark, thick juice out of the beets.

Cover the beets with a plate or another lid that fits snugly inside the crock or jar, allowing the juice to flow over the plate. Place a clean weight (such as a glass jug filled with water) on top. Cover with a cloth to keep dust and flies out.

As the beets ferment, some of the brine might evaporate. Be sure to keep the level of the brine above the plate, checking every couple of days.

If necessary, add brine, which you can make by dissolving 1 tablespoon of salt into 1 cup of water.

The beets will be ready to serve in 1 to 4 weeks.

Fermented Beets


  • Beetroot

  • Kosher Salt

  • Caraway Seeds

  • Water


Welsh Rarebit