Fig, Sage, Honey and Curd on Sourdough

Black Madeira figs are well regarded as the best tasting fig variety. A fig that most of you reading should try and go the extra step to grow - as they can flourish surprisingly well in Wales!

3 Black Madeira Figs, sliced 25g butter 1tsp Tonyrefail Apiary Honey 2 Slices Toasted and Buttered Sourdough  2tbsp Goats Curd Sage Leaves 1tsp Belazu Early Harvest Olive Oil Pink Sea Salt

In a heavy based frying pan warm the butter over a medium heat.

Add the figs and oregano.

After 4-5 mins the figs should have caramelised and the butter goldened. Add the honey, remove from the heat and swirl the figs in the pan. Toast the sourdough slices.

Add the olive oil and season with a little pink Himalayan sea salt.

Spread the warm toast with goats curd and spoon over the figs, herbs and honeyed juices left in the pan. 

Eat immediately.


  • Sourdough

  • Olive Oil

  • Butter

  • Figs

  • Goats Curd

  • Honey

  • Sage

  • Pink Sea Salt


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