Raw Miso Black Garlic Sauce

A tasty, sweet, tangy, black garlic sauce, packed full of umami. If you love ginger, add in more fresh ginger! You can adapt this recipe to your taste.

150m Sake 150ml Rice Vinegar 3tbsp Raw Unpasteurised Miso (I like Clearspring) 3 Black Garlic Cloves 2tsp Grated Ginger (usually a large finger) 2tbsp Sesame Oil

Peel and grate the fresh ginger.

Mix all ingredients in a Nutribullet or food processor until the ingredients are well blended together. 

The texture should be creamy and smooth like a sauce.

Sterilize your bottles and fill!

Bottle and refrigerate up to 3-4 weeks.


  • Sake

  • Rice Vinegar

  • Miso

  • Garlic

  • Ginger

  • Sesame Oil


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