Eating Well, Season by Season

Eating foods that are in season has stemmed from my childhood.

At home we had a large allotment, an apple tree and herb garden. It was ingrained in me from an early age that it's always better to eat foods of all varieties that are in season. It's fresher, tastier and much more nutritious than when out of season.

It’s also vastly better for the environment. 

We’ve fallen into a world of convenience, where we are used to having certain foods available all year long. Which is possible, but the air miles and damage to the environment are known harms.

In terms of nutrition, research has shown that fruit and vegetables can be at peak nutrient density when harvested. When you try to eat seasonally, the food will be fresher and can be more nutritious, providing higher levels of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health and well-being.

Seasonal eating also promotes biodiversity and supports local farmers, fostering a more sustainable and resilient food system.

I have learnt so much from working with chefs like Mark Hix - who really taught me so much about seasonal British food, and more recently Bryn Williams - who opened my eyes to what’s on offer on our doorstep, here in Wales. 

We have truffles, great charcuteries, and so much foraged produce if you look around and ask for it! 

So I thought I’d put together a seasonal list to explore the range of seasonal produce in the UK. 

It does also include meat, fish, vegetables and cheese from Europe - mostly Spain, Italy and France.

At The Touring Club in Penarth, we focus on using seasonal foods sourced locally with the odd ingredient from Europe, when it’s at its peak. 

Have a look at the list and enjoy!

I’d be very keen to add to it with any of your thoughts on foods,  festivals or other produce I have missed.

It’s a constant work in progress but I hope you find it useful as a starting point.



Ally Capellino


My Route to Gut Health